Terance Henry
SIWDB Chairperson
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, chairpersons of the standing committees, and other voting members, as deemed necessary, of the Southern Illinois Workforce Development Board. This committee shall ensure effective board processes, structures and roles, including retreat planning, committee development and board evaluation. This committee shall develop and make recommendations to full board and CLEOs for approval regarding such policy. The committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following:
- Recruitment of a pool of nominees from which the Chief Local Elected Officials may appoint new members to the SIWDB
- Development and recommendation of agendas for meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops sponsored by and/or conducted by the SIWDB
- Recommendation of Board enrichment and development activities and training to include meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops and orientation for the SIWDB members
- Establishment of a competitive process used to award contracts for the local workforce development area
- Negotiation of local performance measures
- Monitor achievement of performance standards and training program outcomes
The Executive committee meets quarterly each year.
Committee Members
Terance Henry — Chair
Rosie Naumovski—1st Vice Chair
Rex Cusumano — 2nd Vice Chair
Mary Roe— 3rd Vice Chair
Matt Dunkin— 4th Vice Chair
Milton Maxwell — Parlimentarian
Cary Minnis — Treasurer
Tammy Kirk — Secretary

Rex Cusumano
Committee Chairperson

Brenda Malone
Committee Vice-chairperson
Employer & Economic Development Committee
This committee shall develop and make recommendations to the full board and CLEOs for approval regarding such policy. The Committee shall meet monthly. The committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following:
- Examine labor market and economic and business data and recommend sector strategies
- Inform the Local and Regional plan creation as required
- Survey businesses, both large and small, who struggle with particular workforce issues and recommend workforce training solution
- Provide input and direction on Work-based Learning, Work Experience, Internship, On-the-Job training and Incumbent Worker Training policies
- Review all Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) applications from area businesses and approve or deny funding
- Ensure that quality programs are available that meet the needs of demand occupations, emerging occupations and entrepreneurial endeavors
- Ensure education and training programs are available and address the identified skill needs of local employers
- Recommend One-Stop System program activities that target and impact the business customer
- Examine national workforce strategies for local/regional application
- Develop promotional materials to be utilized with local/regional employers
The Employer & Economic Development committee usually meets at 1:00 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Karla Tabing,
Committee Chairperson
American Job Center Committee
The American Job Center Committee is comprised of SIWDB members and individuals who are not formal members of the board, but who have expertise to advise on issues that support the board’s ability to attain the goals of the State, local and regional plans, and the objective of providing customer-focused services to individuals and businesses. The committee meets monthly. The committee oversees the services provided through the comprehensive One-Stop Centers and affiliate offices. Members will provide information and assist with operational and other issues relating to the one-stop delivery system. Also, members will provide information and assist with operational and other issues relating to the provision of services to individuals with disabilities, including issues relating to compliance with WIOA, if applicable, and applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 regarding providing programmatic and physical access to the services, programs, and activities of the one-stop delivery system, as well as appropriate training for staff on providing supports for or accommodations to, and finding employment opportunities for, individuals with disabilities.
- Develop strategies for using technology to maximize the accessibility and effectiveness of the local workforce development system for employers, and workers and jobseekers, by:
- Facilitating connections among the intake and case management information systems of the one-stop partner programs to support a comprehensive workforce development system in the local area;
- Facilitating access to services provided through the one-stop delivery system involved, including access in remote areas;
- Identifying strategies for better meeting the needs of individuals with barriers to employment, including strategies that augment traditional service delivery, and increase access to services and programs of the one-stop delivery system, such as improving digital literacy skills; and
- Leveraging resources and capacity within the local workforce development system, including resources and capacity for services for individuals with barriers to employment.
- Recommend parameters of One-Stop operators.
- Coordinate activities with education and training providers in the local area, including:
- Reviewing applications to provide adult education and literacy activities under title II for the local area to determine whether such applications are consistent with the local plan;
- making recommendations to the eligible agency to promote alignment with such plan; and
- Replicating and implementing cooperative agreements to enhance the provision of services to individuals with disabilities and other individuals, such as cross training of staff, technical assistance, use and sharing of information, cooperative efforts with employers, and other efforts at cooperation, collaboration, and coordination.
- Assess, on an annual basis, the physical and programmatic accessibility of all one-stop centers in the local area, in accordance with WIOA sec. 188, if applicable, and applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
- Recommend criteria for the certification of one-stop centers.
The One-Stop committee usually meets at 8:00 a.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.