One Region, Workforce Strong...

Partnering toward prosperity for Southern Illinois.

Man-Tra-Con Corporation Building

Man-Tra-Con Corporation

3117 Civic Center Blvd., Suite B
Marion, Illinois 62959

Man-Tra-Con Corporation

Through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) federal funding, Man-Tra-Con Corporation has been providing “no-cost” career guidance and employment services to job seekers since 1979. In addition, we provide recruitment services, employee-based training programs, and dislocated worker assistance to businesses located in Local Workforce Area 25 (LWA #25), comprised of Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Perry and Williamson counties. With guidance from our Chief Local Elected Officials and the Southern Illinois Workforce Development Board, we work to improve the quality of life for all customers we serve.

Our Mission

Our primary mission is to collaborate effectively with our workforce partners to create quality workforce solutions throughout LWA #25. In addition, Man-Tra-Con collaborates with innovative partners in economic development, healthcare, community and social services, and education to create unique solutions to the workforce challenges we face.

Man-Tra-Con supports the economic health of Southern Illinois by providing services designed to build a quality workforce. We devote special effort to identifying the needs of local employers so that we can provide the quality workers each needs.

Man-Tra-Con is governed by a Board of Directors, and led by Chief Executive Officer Robyn Russell.


>> Visit our website to learn more about our services.

A proud partner of the American Job Center network